Telegram has introduced its first update of the year, incorporating a novel account verification system through third-party services, advanced message search filters, and the ability to transform gifts into NFTs.
Previously, Telegram provided verification for public figures and organizations. Now, it has extended this feature by partnering with trusted third-party entities, such as regulators in the food industry or educational institutions, to authenticate accounts.
Verified accounts using this third-party system will display a distinct icon next to their names, replacing the traditional blue checkmark.
“This decentralized platform for additional verification will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation — with a unique proactive solution that sets a new safety standard for social platforms,” Telegram highlighted in its blog.
Individuals or organizations seeking verification must complete a validation process and submit an application to qualify for the verified badge.
Telegram added that its Bot API could facilitate assigning or removing verification, resembling the model on X, where organizations purchase verification and authenticate affiliated accounts. Verified profiles will display the organization’s logo to indicate their authenticity.
Another innovative feature is the ability to convert gifts into NFTs, featuring personalized backgrounds and icons. Users can send these gifts by purchasing Telegram Stars through the app or the Fragment platform, which requires a TON crypto wallet connection.
Telegram noted that these NFT gifts could be traded across various platforms. To account for blockchain transaction fees, users must pay to upgrade their gifts into collectibles.
Cryptocurrencies have been a cornerstone for Telegram, serving as a means for creator monetization and facilitating payments within games and mini-apps.
Additional updates include a reaction feature for service messages, such as group joins, and new search filters tailored for private conversations, groups, and channels.